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Addio a Lugano

Farewell to Lugano

Farewell to thee, lovely Lugano, thou sweet and fair land.
Banned without a fault, anarchists must go away,
And they leave singing, with hope in their hearts.
And they leave singing, with hope in their hearts.

And it is for you exploited, and for you workers,
That we are now in chains like criminals.
But our belief is the idea of love.
But our belief is the idea of love.

You nameless comrades, you friends who stay,
The social truth you shall strongly spread.
This is the vengeance that we ask you.
This is the vengeance that we ask you.

Bourgeois republic, thou forcest us out with forgery,
But this will one day bring shame on thee.
Today we accuse thee in face of the future.
Today we accuse thee in face of the future.

Endlessly expelled, we will hike from land to land,
Urging peace and declaring war:
Peace among the oppressed, war to the oppressors.
Peace among the oppressed, war to the oppressors.

Switzerland, thy government makes thee the slave of others,
Offending the tradition of a proud people,
And insulting the legend of thy William Tell.
And insulting the legend of thy William Tell.

Farewell, dear comrades, dear friends in Lugano.
Farewell, snow-white mountains of Ticino.
We knights-errant are forced northwards.
We knights-errant are forced northwards.

Origine: Avanti popolo, Cantare Anarchia Lottare, Canzoni italiane di protesta
Titolo originale: Addio a Lugano
Note: Words by Pietro Gori on the tune of the song "Addio San Remo bella", 1895.
Lingua traduzione: en 

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