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Al libro all'aratro al martello

Book, plough, hammer

From the books, from the plough and from the hammer
the tyrannical bourgeoisie has torn us apart.
Handcuffs to our wrists, boarded on a boat,
they banished us to a far-off island.

And now we are serene on the cliff,
with our spirit strong and keeping our head high,
we must weave
just a flag and a will
together for an idea
we are the knights for mankind.

We are evil-doers, and guilty of banning
the motto of work and love.
Our motto is a hazardous plan
and everyone shall reap the fruits of his labour.

So now and forever
we will fight this hard battle.
We must weave
just a flag and a will
together for an idea
we are the knights for mankind.

So when there comes the dawn of the long-awaited day
when the white sail takes the sea,
we will kiss our dear ones again
and in the joining our heart will be happy.

So now and forever
we will fight this hard battle.
We must weave
just a flag and a will
together for an idea
we are the knights for mankind.

Origine: Nuovo Canzoniere dei Ribelli
Titolo originale: Al libro all'aratro al martello
Note: Words of the fascist years, probably.
Lingua traduzione: inglese 

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